With accordion and fiddle upfront, veterans Katzen Kapell play music that’s just as evocative of Argentina and Eastern Europe as it is of their Swedish homeland. It says something that one of the band’s most well-known songs is called Bukarest. The band lists amongst its diverse influences Astor Piazzolla, Kurt Weill and film-score legends Nino Rota and Bernard Herrmann. Toured the USA in the autumn of 2007. Katzen Kapell is regularly performing at Glenn Miller Café in Stockholm and since 2013 the band has been playing in Stockholm at Capitol (Vårflod- festival), Södra Teatern, Finlandhouse and in October 2014 at Stockholm Jazzfestival. In 2016 Katzen Kapell is going to celebrate that they have been playing together for 30 years.
See all albums and listen to Katzen Kapell’s music on CDBABY
Katzen Kapell – Bukarest
Katzen Kapell at Orion for a TV special in 2005
Katzen Kapell – Den Store
Katzen Kapell at Orion for a TV special in 2005